
How to balance and select good inkjet printer in terms of quality and price

It takes a long time to choose and purchase the inkjet printer, and often shop around. So is the choice of inkjet printer. What do users care about most? The quality and price of the inkjet printer are summarized. I hope it can help you.


Why is Videojet inkjet widely used in the packaging industry

Why is Videojet inkjet widely used in the packaging industry? With high-quality products from advanced design, reliable production means, selected accessories and strict management, Videojet inkjet printer manufacturers have adopted European code innovation and development scheme in the process of repeated application and practice by many customers


How to do the red envelope marketing system of "one thing, one code" to create explosive products

One thing one code red packet is to attract users to scan the code by taking one thing one code system as the carrier, using red packet rewards, signing in prizes, box code lottery, consumption gift certificates, anti-counterfeiting and anti channeling.


How to Realize the Application of Anti fleeing Codes in Enterprises with One Material One Code System Software

First of all, we can be sure that the system software of "one thing, one code" is a scientific and effective way to prevent goods from fleeing. By giving each product a unique identification mark of "one thing, one code", enterprises can achieve the control of the whole supply chain.


One thing one code software one thing one code system has become the standard configuration of enterprise market management system

With the concept of "one thing, one code" put forward, more and more enterprises begin to pay attention to and use the "one thing, one code" software of Hengxin inkjet code. What is "one thing, one code"?


Precautions during the use of inkjet printer and details of abnormal conditions

The normal startup and shutdown of the inkjet printer should not be allowed frequently, because the normal shutdown of the inkjet printer takes 3 minutes to clean the pipeline. If the printer is shut down frequently, the ink in the ink box will become thin, affecting the inkjet printing effect. At lunch time, just let the inkjet printer in the printing pause state


What is the difference between laser printer and laser inkjet printer? Which is better, laser printer or inkjet printer

Laser inkjet printer is another name of laser marking machine, but it is also better than others. After all, not all laser marking machines are called laser inkjet printer, which is very different


What are the advantages of using laser inkjet printer? Is it troublesome to operate the laser inkjet printer?

In the process of continuous upgrading of production and manufacturing technology, more and more new types of equipment enter the market for sale and use. The effects of these devices in the corresponding fields are also very good. The laser code jet printer is one of many new types of equipment. Compared with the traditional code jet printer, the advantages and benefits of this equipment in the application process are very many. What are the specific benefits of using the laser code jet printer?


How to reduce labor cost and self use cost of laser inkjet printer

How can laser inkjet reduce labor costs? With the improvement of living standards, more and more people begin to pay attention to the quality of life and safety, especially the previously reported series of food safety problems such as gutter oil, which leads people to be more careful when buying goods and food