LG Electronics is a global leader and technology innovator in the field of consumer electronics, mobile communication products and household appliances. It has more than 84000 employees and is distributed in 112 outlets including 81 branches worldwide.
It has been committed to improving the global popularity of LG brand and maximizing profit growth. LG Electronics pays special attention to achieving sustainable profit growth in the field of mobile communication products and home entertainment products to consolidate its leading position in the IT industry. At the same time, LG will also increase the market share of household appliances, air conditioners and commercial solutions.

The company mainly provides home entertainment products, mobile communication products, household appliances, air conditioners and commercial solutions. LG is one of the world's leading manufacturers of flat screen TVs, audio and video products, mobile phones, air conditioners and washing machines.
The main products of Electronics include: TV/home entertainment products, mobile communication products, washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, intelligent clothing care machines, air conditioners, air health products, displays, cooking equipment, embedded appliances, computer CD drives, etc.
