Quanjude, a famous time-honored brand in China, was founded in 1864 (the third year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty). After several generations of entrepreneurial efforts, it has achieved considerable development. In January 1999, "Quanjude" was recognized as a "well-known trademark" by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which is the first service type well-known trademark in China. Quanjude Roast Duck is delicious and suitable for many people.
Through continuous innovation and development, Quanjude [1] cuisine has formed a Quanjude cuisine featuring unique Quanjude roast duck, which integrates "Quanjude duck feast" and more than 400 special dishes. It is loved by heads of state, government officials, people from all walks of life, and tourists at home and abroad, and is known as "the first food in China". Zhou Enlai, the former Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, has selected Quanjude's "All Duck Feast" as a state banquet many times.
"Quanjude" is both old and young, traditional and modern, and is forging ahead with the grand vision of "China's first catering, world-class cuisine, and internationally renowned brands".
