Huiyuan Group, founded in 1992, has established more than 140 business entities across the country, linked more than 10 million mu of high-quality fruit, vegetable, tea, grain and other planting bases, established a nationwide sales network, built an agricultural industrialization management system across the east and west, and across the north and south, forming the three industries of Huiyuan fruit juice, Huiyuan fruit industry, and Huiyuan agriculture to promote each other A new pattern of common development.

As a leading enterprise in China's agricultural industrialization, Huiyuan Group has gradually formed a corporate culture with Huiyuan characteristics. With the corporate mission of "nourishing the public and benefiting agriculture, rural areas and farmers", Huiyuan Group insists on nurturing agriculture, rural areas and farmers through its own development. Over the years, Huiyuan has driven the development of the new rural economy and boosted the modernization and upgrading of China's agricultural industry through the construction of the agricultural industrialization management system.
