Main business of Shenhua Pharmaceutical
(1) Herbicides: 20% Diquat, 20% Glyphosate, 10% Glyphosate, 41% Glyphosate, 36% Glyphosate, 108 g/L high efficiency flupiraprop-p-ethyl, 24% nicosulforazine, 30% nicotinazine
(2) Insecticides: 20% furadimefon suspension, 2.5% kungfu, 1.8% abamectin, 3.4% carbaryl salt, 5% acetamiprid, 25% acetamiprid, 9% metveimacarb, 40% omethoate, 55% phorate, 50g/L cis cypermethrin, 20% tebufenozide, 5% cypermethrin, 30% thiamethoxam, 5% triadimefon, 77.5% dichlorvos, 50g/L fluazide
(3) Fungicide: 1.8% phoxim acetate, 20% triadimefon, 45% amobam, 29% sulfur mixture
(4) Plant growth regulator: 50% chlormequat, 40% ethephon
(5) Qingpi essential oil
Shenhua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., founded in 2000, is a technologically modern pesticide production enterprise integrating scientific research, production and sales. After 19 years of hard work and development, its sales revenue has exceeded 100 million yuan and its assets have reached 50 million yuan; It has more than 50 products of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and plant regulators, and its sales network is all over the country. The "Shenhua" trademark was rated as "Hebei Famous Trademark".
"Reputation creates trust, and quality creates brand" is the purpose of the enterprise, technology is the foundation, and management is the guarantee. The company has maintained long-term cooperation with China Agricultural University, China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tianjin Nankai University and other excellent domestic scientific research institutions, laying a solid foundation for the company's sustainable development.
