Jinhua Chemical Company mainly produces calcium carbide, acetylene black, lime nitrogen, dicyandiamide, monocyandiamide, calcium carbonate and other products.
At present, the characteristics of the company's deep processing product chain are: the cyanamide products are processed step by step with calcium carbide as the raw material. There are many vertical and horizontal product varieties, and the production capacity is matched, which is conducive to the full utilization and conversion of heat, gas (steam), water and other resources and energy, realizing the basic raw materials limestone Carbon materials are recycled from the decomposition of the materials put into production through multiple combinations to the final formation of direct products. At the same time, environmental protection governance is combined with comprehensive utilization of resources. After environmental protection governance, the economic benefits are obvious, not only increasing product varieties, but also reducing production costs, further enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises and their ability to resist market risks.
