Cosmetic anti-counterfeiting traceability, one item, one code to protect the interests of businesses, starting from "I"

Published on: November 1, 2021

The cosmetics market can be said to be a disaster area for counterfeiting, because the profits are high and the cost of counterfeiting is low. Especially in recent years, most people use the circle of friends and e-commerce as sales channels. The exposure may be a circle of friends at most! The usual way is to share and sell cosmetics, emphasize the effect, and sell under the title of big brand agent. But you don't know the true source of these products! To solve these problems, enterprises need to establish a cosmetic anti-counterfeiting traceability inkjet system for their products, and can also expand their needs, such as channeling prevention and marketing.
It is an important link to trace the origin of cosmetics and establish anti-counterfeiting. For specific information about the new cosmetics anti-counterfeiting technology, please refer to the article "New cosmetics anti-counterfeiting technology information code effective anti duplication", which introduces the new anti-counterfeiting technology in detail.
For customers who are generally engaged in anti-counterfeiting traceability system, enterprises must provide relevant information and conduct code generation operation. This code is like giving a product an "ID card", that is, "one thing, one code", and collect data from production, delivery, transportation, and consumers to complete a life cycle management.
Some customers will also have a demand for anti fleeing goods while doing traceability, because more fleeing merchants will lead to a decline in the profits of manufacturers, which will seriously affect the brand. The anti fleeing system is created to solve these problems. The system integrates network, mobile phone communication, coding and other technologies, combines the logistics anti fleeing concept and one thing one code ID code, realizes the interaction between commodity manufacturers and dealers to consumers, and solves a series of problems such as enterprise anti counterfeiting and fleeing, so that users can easily query the information about fleeing.
In addition, mobile marketing is also an additional demand for cosmetics. Because consumers have gradually shifted from PC to mobile, it is a common way to conduct marketing through WeChat public account circle fans, which will create an enterprise mobile marketing platform for them. Some platforms can realize anti-counterfeiting query, member points, marketing interaction, shopping malls, activities and other functions. Detailed cases can be obtained by consulting customer service.
