Eggs with the help of laser inkjet printer can also enhance user publicity

Published on: November 9, 2021

Eggs are rich in nutrition, and have always been a common ingredient in family life, but eggs can also become an effective way for us to promote our brand? After all, the egg shell is thin, soft and fragile. If you write an advertising slogan on it, can you achieve the marketing effect. To achieve this effect, thanks to the increasingly strong control of the accuracy of the laser inkjet printer, we can make reasonable use of the laser inkjet printer to "make an article" on the eggs. The laser inkjet printer can not only do anti-counterfeit traceability in the egg store, but also do things like one thing, one code, and advertising slogans.
What is the specific purpose of the inkjet printer?
The inkjet printer mainly refers to the automatic coding equipment represented by small characters. The mainstream application scenario is the integrated use of production vehicle factories and workshop assembly lines. During the production process of products, key information such as production date, shelf life, and expiration date is printed on the products or labels. For example, we can spray code on eggs to achieve accurate positioning and code printing, complete the application of various complex identification scenes, and more efficiently implement the code assignment work of "one thing, one code" for products.


It is easy to attract some users by carrying out innovative publicity on eggs, but considering the universality of the audience, the vulnerability of egg shells, food safety and other aspects, it is also worth thinking about how to quickly and effectively print pollution-free slogans on batch eggs. The laser inkjet printer is a good choice. It will not damage and deform the eggs. The non consumable form also brings the possibility of non-toxic, pollution-free, clear content and abrasion resistance
In general, with the help of laser inkjet printing, there are more possibilities on the way to endow product logos and logos with more value. For example, through the integration of diversified product lines, automatic production line transformation capabilities, software development and compatibility, joint efforts are formed to help manufacturing enterprises and brands to better endow product logos and enhance the value.
