Hershey's, the largest chocolate and chocolate candy manufacturer in North America. Hershey Corporation, located in Pennsylvania, is a time-honored company with a history of 116 years. When Mr. Milton Hershey, the founder of Hershey Chocolate, founded the chocolate manufacturing industry here in 1903, it was still a small ranch.

Hershey designed everything here with his wisdom and long-term vision. At the beginning of the 20th century, Hershey Town was Hershey Company, and almost all the residents in the town were employees of Hershey Company. Hershey has paved roads, built hospitals, built stadiums, theaters, amusement parks, chocolate hot springs and almost all public facilities in the town, and has taken the lead in building Hershey Town into a model in greening small towns in the United States.

Hershey Town has three modern chocolate factories and is the largest chocolate producing area in the world. KISSES alone produces 33 million chocolates every day.
