Snickers Snickers - The chocolate products produced by Mars Food Company were listed in the United States in 1930, and now become the giant of the world's chocolate family, the main brand of energy chocolate, with sweet and salty taste. The packaging is respectively the smallest 20g, slightly larger 35g, 55g, 70g in two packs, 175g in more than one pack, 240g Jinxiang Satisfactory and 460g Changxiang Family Barrel.
Slogan: Sweep Hunger, Be Energetic (Sweep Hunger, Be Yourself; Sweep Hunger, Be Energetic).
Mars is one of the largest food manufacturers in the world, a leader in the global chocolate, pet care, candy and other industries, and has many world famous brands. Among these brands, those with a value of more than one billion dollars include Dove, Mars, M&M'S, Snickers, UNCLEBEN'S, Aobai, Baolu, Royal, Weijia and Tequ.
